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Episode 11: How to Have Difficult Conversations Without Burning Bridges with Talia Fox

Posts Tagged:
life skills


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    Cultivating Confidence, Professional Development
    11 Ways to Build Trust in The Workplace

    How do you make sure that you can trust your colleagues? Conversely, how do you ensure that they can trust you? Here's how to build trust at work.

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    Routines + Productivity, Soft Skills
    Work Smarter Not Harder: 7 Ways to Embrace Slow Work

    We're all told to hustle all the time—to the point of burnout. Here's our case for slow work and why working smarter doesn't always mean working harder.

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    Leadership + Management
    Is My Boss an Idiot? How The Peter Principle Destroys Workplaces

    Does it feel like your boss is incompetent when it comes to getting anything done? The Peter Principle is a theory that employees rise to a level of incompetence. Let's explore.

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    Routines + Productivity
    Why We're Starting a Worry Journal to Worry Less

    How do you reduce the time you spend worrying? Start a worry journal, put your worries on paper, and leave them there. Here's how a worry journal works.

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    Resumes, Soft Skills
    The Top Soft Skills for Your Resume (100+ Examples to Try Today)

    We know you've got those soft skills, so why haven't you added them to your resume yet? Here's how to infuse your resume with your valuable soft skills.

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    Career Development, Professional Development, Routines + Productivity
    20+ Personality Tests You Must Take (+ What They Mean for Your Work Life)

    These personality tests can help you better communicate with coworkers and learn more about how you work best.

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    Goal-Setting, Professional Development
    How to Write a 5-Minute Self-Evaluation for Work (With Examples)

    Hey, you. Yes, you. It's time to start writing weekly self-evaluations. It's easy—here's how.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Hard Skills, Soft Skills
    30+ Positive Character Traits of a Great Employee

    How do you showcase your best character traits in the interview process and throughout your career? Let's explore the most positive character traits at work.

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    Hard Skills, LinkedIn Optimization, Resumes, Soft Skills
    10 Resume Buzzwords to Delete from Your Resume

    Adjectives, nouns, and action verbs, oh my! Next time you're zhuzhing up your resume, here's a great list of resume words to color your resume—and some to avoid.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Leadership + Management
    What to Do When Your Boss Calls You Incompetent

    Your boss should not make you feel incompetent, irrelevant, or useless. Here's what to do when your mean boss mistreats you.